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Two Semesters
Prerequisite: None
Teacher: Shaun Friday
Basic grammar skills will be studied, reviewed, and applied in this college preparatory course. Thinking and writing skills will be creative and analytical. A research paper will be required in order to pass the course. All skills will be incorporated throughout their literary studies. The student literature program is a complete program offering high quality, appealing, traditional and contemporary literary selections. Studying the short story, nonfiction, novel, and drama introduces students to those critical reading skills that are necessary for understanding literature. These activities will be geared toward helping them appreciate writers’ vocabulary and discussing literature from a Christian viewpoint. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of English I
Teacher: Charity Samoulides
English II is a college preparatory course integrating language arts skills with various genre of literature. Particular attention will be given to the areas of oral and written communication, grammar rules and usage, critical thinking and reading strategies. Each student will be responsible for a variety of original writing, including an extensive career investigation research paper which is required for a quarter grade. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Evidence of high achievement in English I and on PSAT, teacher permission
Teacher: Charity Samoulides
In addition to everything covered in English II, the honors version includes more frequent writing exercises, an emphasis on higher order thinking, more advanced structure in writing, Socratic style class discussions, the creation of a writing portfolio, frequent self-evaluations and peer reviews, the addition of a second term paper, a focus on debate skills, and more in-depth analysis for each unit. Students will learn to apply research and critical thinking to each unit, taking a more collegiate and independent approach to learning. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Two years of English
Teacher: Ann Nelson
American Literature is a college preparatory course that integrates the language arts skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) into the reading of a chronological survey of American literature. This integration includes grammar and mechanics, critical thinking, analysis, literary criticism, vocabulary study, impromptu speaking and persuasive speaking. Students are responsible for the formulation, development, and revision of a research paper whose length will be determined and announced by the instructor. As this paper is a requirement, no student will receive a quarter grade without its completion. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Three years of English
Teacher: Brandon Runyon
British Literature is a college preparatory course that integrates the language arts skills into the reading of a chronological survey of English literature. This integration includes grammar and mechanics, critical thinking, writing, analysis, literary criticism, vocabulary study, and extemporaneous speaking while looking at literature from a Christian perspective. A research paper is required in order to pass this course. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Three years of English
Teacher: Brandon Runyon
This course is an in-depth study of Shakespearean literature all centralized around key themes within the study of human nature; predominantly, identity, role of man in society, as well as leadership and relationships, will be provided in this course. Through an incorporation of grammar and mechanical studies, critical thinking, analytical writing, literary criticism, as well as a variety of both extemporized and structured oral presentations, students will be prepared not only for their collegiate courses following high school, but also a climate which, most often, rewards language skills and oral delivery. While in this class, literature will be studied through a Christian worldview, allowing students to intelligently analyze and compare with worldviews that may compete with his or her own. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Junior status; Minimum grade of “A” in both freshman and sophomore English classes. Space permitting, instructor will assess students with “B” grades to determine eligibility to enroll.
Teacher: Debbie Peacock
The Advanced Placement English Language and Composition course integrates the language arts skills of reading, writing, analytical thinking, listening and speaking into the study and application of various forms of writing, both expository and creative. This integration includes critical thinking, analysis, vocabulary development, grammar and mechanics. Based primarily upon non-fiction essay sources, the course will include some poetry and fiction as well. Students will respond to written and visual work with articulate, well-reasoned essays and reflections. Term paper and portfolio required. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring. UC/CSU
Two Semesters
Prerequisite: Senior status and current English teacher recommendation.
Teacher: Brandon Runyon
The Advanced Placement English Literature course is designed to enable a Christian student to evaluate fiction, drama, poetry and non-fiction from a Biblical world view so that he appreciates God’s common grace in the creative gifts, so that he can discern the truth and reject the falsehood in all that he reads, so that he can assess his Christian position in today’s culture, and so that he can effectively express himself in expository writing. Term paper and portfolio required. Students may earn college credit if they pass the Advanced Placement exam given in the spring. UC/CSU
English I & English IX Teacher
Courses: English I and English IX Greetings! It is my dream come true to be the Fres...
American Literature, Walking Worthy (Senior Bible elective), and Chapel Coordinator
Thank you for visiting my page. Over the years, I have taught several classes at Berean...
AP Language Teacher
Welcome! I have the privilege of teaching AP English Language and Composition--affectio...
AP Literature & Composition | British Literature | Honors Shakespearean Literature
Hello, My name is Brandon Runyon and I am the Advanced Placement Literature, British...
English II Teacher; Honors English II Teacher
Welcome! I am so happy to be teaching at my alma mater. I graduated from Berean in 2004...
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