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Berean's Faculty and Staff choose Berean's Student of the Month as they excel in various criteria, such as academic excellence, and display a Christ-like character in their day-to-day walk. 




We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for September 2024 is an outstanding Senior, Jadee Salvador. Jadee is a young woman who epitomizes what it means to be a Berean student. During her four years, Jadee has shined academically while still enthusiastically participating in a variety of Berean athletic teams. Jadee is much beloved on our campus and has built strong, loving relationships with her peers and with her teachers. Her love for others also motivates her to serve in Student Leadership and as a team captain. Through all of these means, Jadee has proven to be a young woman of integrity, resilience, and faith. We are so proud of the way you seek to glorify God in all you do, Jadee!  Congratulations!

MARCH 2024

We are thrilled to announce that one of our Students of the Month for April 2024 is a well deserving Senior, Grace Oliveri. Grace is a young woman who is known for her contagious joy and enthusiasm. Berean’s faculty notes Grace’s strong work ethic and striving for excellence in all she sets out to accomplish. This is seen not only in her academic coursework, but in her participation in our drama program. Most importantly, Grace’s work is not done out of self-promotion, but rather in humility and out of an abiding love for the Lord. Grace seeks the good of others and is faithful to support, encourage, and cheer on those around her. She exemplifies her Savior by putting others needs before her own, and for that we are most proud of you, Grace! Congratulations!

We are also thrilled to announce our other Student of the Month for April 2024 is an outstanding Senior, Madeline Neypes. Madeline is a young woman who has fully invested in our Berean community. During her four years, Madeline has shined academically in her Honors and AP courses and enthusiastically participated in Berean athletics, Student Leadership, and on the Worship Team. Achieving excellence in all she does is important to Madeline, and she often goes above and beyond what is required. Not only that, but Madeline seeks to use her gifts and talents to serve the Lord. Madeline serves her community through countless hours of volunteer work, leading worship in local churches. We are so proud of your accomplishments and love for the Lord, Madeline! Congratulations!

MARCH 2024

We are thrilled to announce that one of our Students of the Month for March 2024 is a well deserving Senior, Gabrielle Abigor. Gabby is a young woman who has left her mark on Berean Christian High School. Gabby is a gifted basketball player who has been recognized as a two-time Diablo Athletic League MVP and the recipient of the National Christian Schools Athletic Association Division 1 Player of the Year award. Her success however is not confined to the basketball court. Gabby has excelled academically while excelling athletically, and has been distinguished as a standout scholar. You will often see Gabby in the Student Center, diligently reading and working on class assignments, both before and after practice. Despite all her accolades, what stands out the most is Gabby’s heart. Gabby is welcoming and kind. She loves her community and seeks the good of others. When conflicts arise, Gabby is a peacemaker, who courageously works to resolve conflicts with wisdom, empathy, and grace. For these reasons, she is considered a treasured friend by many. Gabby, you worship God with your talents, work ethic, and love for others and for that we are most proud of you! Congratulations! 

We are also excited to recognize our second Student of the Month for March 2024, Nic Yerondopoulos. Nic is a young man who fully invests in his own success and the success of others. While at Berean, Nic has taken 11 AP classes in the subjects of computer science, math, English, and history. His teachers recognize him as one with outstanding work ethic and desire to challenge himself. Over the last four years, Nic has also excelled on the basketball court as an enthusiastic student-athlete. Despite all these outward achievements, what stands out the most is Nic’s heart to serve his community and invest in the lives of others. At age 6, Nic started donating lego sets to The Taylor Family Foundation, which serves children with chronic and terminal illness. Nic has faithfully served this foundation for over 10 years now and today his charity donates hundreds of lego sets each year.  Your desire to use your gifts and talents for the glory of God is what we are most proud of, Nic! Congratulations!


We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for November and December 2023 is a well
deserving Senior, Aiden Kim. Aiden is a young man who has fully invested into the Berean community
during his four years of high school. In the classroom, Aiden has worked diligently and challenged
himself by taking several AP classes. Outside of the classroom, his commitment to Berean is evidenced
by enthusiastic participation as a student-athlete and student leader. Over the last four years, Aiden has played on Berean basketball, volleyball, and football teams and served in Student Leadership, most recently as ASB President. Despite all these outward achievements, what stands out the most is Aiden’s heart and desire to serve his community. Whether it be as a team captain, organizing community outreach, serving in his church, or bringing the school together through social events, Aiden is a young man who prefers the needs of others over his own. His love for God is evidenced in his love for others, and for that we are most proud of you, Aiden! Congratulations!


October 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for October 2023 is a well-deserving Senior, Hailey Pearson. Hailey is a young woman who delights in loving and serving the Lord in all aspects of her life. While on campus, Hailey serves our school as our Spiritual Emphasis Leader, planning events like See You at the Pole and working with staff to coordinate school chapels. Off-campus, Hailey serves at her church as a Youth Servant Leader and event photographer. In her community, Hailey spends time working with elementary school students. No matter where she is, Hailey spends her time humbly caring for others and demonstrating the love of Christ to them. We’re so proud of you, Hailey. Congratulations!



September 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for September 2023 is a well-deserving Senior, Sandy Gravert. Sandy is a young woman who fully offers herself to whatever she commits to. Academically, Sandy works diligently and gives her best effort in the pursuit of learning. Outside of the classroom, her commitment to Berean is evidenced by her enthusiastic participation in Berean’s student life programs. During her four years at Berean Sandy has participated in the swim team, Athletic training program, and various clubs. This year, Sandy started a new club to promote her love for American Sign Language and deaf culture awareness. Most importantly, Sandy demonstrates a passionate commitment to Christ and earnest love for others. Whether it be signing worship songs during chapel, writing notes of encouragement, or her warm daily greetings around campus, Sandy’s love for the Lord is testified to in both word and deed, and His saving work shines brightly in her. We’re so proud of you, Sandy. Congratulations! 



April 2023

We are excited to announce that our Student of the Month for April 2023 is a well deserving Senior, Sydney Moutier. In academics, performing arts pursuits, and all endeavors, Sydney is known for excellence. She is also a gifted designer who has lent her talents to the school in numerous ways. More important than success and talent though, is the genuine humility she possesses, which is anchored in her abiding love for her Jesus. She loves God and loves others in a way that is inspiring. We’re so proud of you, Sydney. Congratulations!


March 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for March 2023 is a well deserving Senior, Ami Socrates. Ami excels both academically and athletically. In her four years at Berean, Ami has served on our Dance Team and participated in multiple clubs, all while managing a rigorous AP course load. In addition to her curricular accomplishments, most importantly Ami is a testimony of Christ’s work in her. Ami’s kindness, humility, and bright smile lights up our campus. She is always looking for opportunities to serve and mentor those God puts her in path.

We’re so proud of you, Ami. Congratulations!


February 2023

We are excited to announce that our Student of the Month for February 2023 is a well deserving Senior, Lindsey Rittenhouse. Lindsey has served in Student Leadership during all four of her years at Berean and has excelled in the classroom and on the tennis court. She is known for her humble and reliable service to the school and her fellow students, honoring the Lord in all she does. Lindsey makes Berean a better place.

We’re so proud of you, Lindsey. Congratulations!


January 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for January 2023 is a well deserving senior, Michael Garcia. Michael has been a blessing to both his fellow students and teachers during his four years at Berean. He has been the school’s Spiritual Emphasis leader this past year and a part of the school’s worship team. He is an outstanding student in the classroom but more than anything, Michael is known for his genuine love and care for others. Kindness toward his follow students is the driving force behind everything that he does. Michael is young man of humility and great integrity, who does his very best to love God and to love others.

We are so proud of you, Michael. Congratulations!


November 2022

We are excited to announce that our Student of the Month for November is the amazing Phillip Ren. Phillip has been an outstanding role model for our student body both through athletics and in the classroom. He has been a 4-year football player and this year was team captain. He is also captain of the wrestling team and has been a part of our baseball team. Phillip excels in the classroom as well, maintaining a near perfect GPA. Most importantly however, Phillip lives out his faith on campus modeling humility and Christ-likeness for his classmates. He constantly shows kindness and gentleness to others. Phillip is well respected by staff and students alike for his character, abilities and effort and he is well deserving of the honor Student of the Month.

Congratulations Phillip!


October 2022

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for October 2022 is a well deserving Senior, Lauren Watt. Lauren excels both academically and athletically, serving in Student Leadership and on our Dance and Cheer teams. Most importantly, Lauren is a testimony of Christ’s work in her. Lauren’s kindness, joy, and bright smile light up our campus. She is always ready to serve and lend a helping hand to those in need.

We’re so proud of you, Lauren. Congratulations!


September 2022

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for September 2022 is a well deserving senior, Ellie Moncher. Whether it be in academics or athletics, Ellie’s hard work and performance
exceed our expectations. Most importantly Ellie exemplifies the character of Jesus in so many ways. Though participation in cross country, track, and tennis regularly keep her in the spotlight, the Berean community regards her as a young woman of humility, kindness, and integrity, who faithfully leads us in worship every Wednesday during chapel.

We’re so proud of you, Ellie. Congratulations!



May 2022

This final month of our school year, we honor Lachlan Smith as Berean’s Student of the Month for May, 2022.

Lachlan has been a wonderful role model on our campus, both in faith, character and participation. He has served on our Student Leadership this past year as ASB secretary, exemplifying service to others, helping to coordinate events and service opportunities for our student body. He has maintained strong academic performance even while participating on our school’s football, basketball and track teams.

Nothing however better exemplifies Lachlan than his love for the Lord which is reflected in how he loves and serves his classmates. Lachlan truly represents what Berean desires to see in its students.

Congratulations, Lachlan!


March 2022

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for March 2022 is a well deserving Senior, Fega Onofeghara-Omoko.

Whether it be in the classroom or on the court, Fega’s diligence and performance exceeds our expectations. More important than his academic or athletic accomplishments, Fega exemplifies the character of Christ in many ways. Fega is a young man with a servant’s heart, evidenced by his assistance with Student Leadership, investment in his teammates, and countless hours spent volunteering in his local community. The Berean community regards him as a young man of humility, kindness, and determination.

We’re so proud of you, Fega, congratulations!

Fega Onofeghara-Omoko - Student of the Month

February 2022

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for February 2022 is a well deserving senior, Natalie Neypes. Whether it be in academics or extracurriculars, Natalie’s hard work and performance exceed our expectations. Natalie has invested time and energy into our school and its community. From Student Leadership, to Robotics, to swim team, to Model UN, you can find Natalie giving her best efforts in all she takes on. Most importantly Natalie exemplifies the character of Jesus in so many ways. Natalie leads her peers with a quiet confidence that is driven by a love for others and a love for Jesus.

We’re so proud of you, Natalie.



December 2021

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for December 2021 is a well deserving senior, Josh McNeal. Josh’s smile and attitude demonstrate the abundant joy he possesses. This joy bubbles over into how he has and continues to serve our school on our Student Leadership team through organizing Community Service projects and Pep Rallies, competing on the football field and wrestling mats, and performing in our Advanced Drama productions. Josh’s humble servant leadership blesses all those he comes in contact with.

We’re so proud of you, Josh.



November 2021

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for November 2021 is a well deserving senior, Mia Hardwick. Whether it be in academics, performing arts, or on the swim team, Mia’s hard work and performance exceed our expectations. Most importantly Mia exemplifies the character of Jesus in so many ways. Though her academics, work in drama productions, and in the pool regularly put her in the spotlight, the Berean community regards her as a young woman of humility, kindness, and integrity.

We’re so proud of you, Mia.



October 2021

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for October 2021 is a well deserving senior, Eli Apger. Eli has served Berean in many ways during his four years here. For the past two years, he has been the Worship Leader for all of our chapel services and has participated on our worship team for the last 3 years.  Aside from being a member of both our varsity basketball and golf teams, he has been an outstanding student in the classroom.  He leads by example and is well respected by both staff and students alike. Eli is known on campus as a young man of integrity, who does his very best to love God and to love others.

We are proud of you, Eli.



September 2021

We are thrilled to announce that our Student of the Month for September 2021 is a well deserving senior, Bianca Gaston. Bianca has served Berean in many ways during her four years here. This year she is one of our Worship Leaders and is also the Lead on our Student Leadership’s Marketing Committee. As a member of our Student Leadership, she leads by example and is well respected by both staff and students alike. Bianca is known on campus as a bright spot of authentic encouragement, who does her very best to love God and to love others. Outside of school hours she is a standout on the volleyball court helping her Eagle teammates to victory as one of the captains.

We’re so proud of you, Bianca—Congratulations!


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Walnut Creek, CA 94598
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Fax 925.945.7473
Admissions  925.945.6464 ext. 204
Athletics 925.945.6464 ext. 224
Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Monday - Friday




Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students
Berean Christian High School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
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